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A LIMITED number of media accreditations will be approved this year!

Accreditation will be assessed upon the following:​

  • Completed accreditation application (below)
  • All media applicant/s agree to Media Accreditation conditions and Festival conditions of entry.
  • Proof of full vaccination as per Qld Government requirements.
  • Use of flash is not permitted when photographing artists

Media Accreditation Conditions

Media accreditation is reserved for members of the press (print, radio, TV, film, news agencies and online media) who represent a recognised mainstream or independent media organisation.

Applications are now open.

Notification of acceptance or otherwise by Wednesday February 22nd 2022, if not earlier.

Media passes are provided for the event day only – unless negotiated otherwise.

Media passes are strictly personal and non-transferable. If changes to the person accredited need to be made, please contact the Media Liaison to organise. Abuse of these passes will result in the cancellation and removal of the accreditation for everyone from the publication.

On arrival to the festival, approved applicants must check in at the Accreditation booth. On presentation of photo identification, you will be allocated your media accreditation. Accreditation must always be worn and displayed.

Media & photographers are not permitted in backstage areas unless escorted by a member of the Media team. Under no circumstances should media personnel walk through the backstage area. Should this occur or should media/photographers not follow directions of festival staff/security, we reserve the right to immediately cancel accreditation and revoke all festival access.

Photographers are permitted access to the area between the main stage and the crowd barrier (The Pit) – but must be escorted by a member of the Media liaison team. As the barrier is provided primarily to assist security in crowd control and patron safety, photographers must be aware of the crowd activity and security at all times. Security and staff instructions must always be adhered to. Access to the area in front of the barrier is permitted for the first three songs of consenting artists performances.

Use of flash is not permitted when photographing artists

Only photographers with SLR, interchangeable lens cameras will be allowed into the photo pits.

There will be no ‘point and shoot’ cameras permitted.

The media liaison team will advise Media & photographers of any other requirements or restrictions regarding artist performances.

Media & Photographers must comply with the conditions of entry to the festival as well as adhere to the event Health and Safety Policy.

The sale of images taken at Wallapalooza is strictly prohibited, unless permitted in writing by the Promoter

A copy of all photographic/broadcasted material must be forwarded to the Wallapalooza Office by Monday 7th March 2022. All material to be submitted in a published format, and all digital media coverage to be supplied.

A breach of the conditions, or the refusal to follow the direction of Wallapalooza officials and security, will result in the forfeit of your media accreditation and removal from the festival site.
